• 蘇格蘭威士忌 - Drunken whisky wine & spirits shop

    scotch whiskey

    Immerse yourself in the rich history and exquisite flavors of Scotch whiskey....

  • champagne - Drunken whisky wine & spirits shop

    香檳 Champagne 精選 – 慶祝時刻的奢華首選


  • 葡萄酒 (wine) - Drunken whisky wine & spirits shop


    Drunken Whisky 的葡萄酒系列精心挑選來自世界各地的優質酒款,適合各類品味和場合。我們提供: 紅酒系列:飽滿濃郁的紅酒,從法國的波爾多到義大利的巴羅洛,每一款都散發著豐富的果香和絲滑的單寧,適合搭配各類紅肉與濃味料理。 白酒系列:清新爽口的白酒,包括法國的夏布利、德國的雷司令和義大利的皮諾格里喬,適合海鮮、沙拉和清淡菜餚的完美搭配。 氣泡酒系列:從法國香檳到義大利普羅賽克,這些氣泡酒帶來愉悅的氣泡和細膩的口感,是慶祝與聚會的理想選擇。 不論是為特別的場合選擇一瓶經典紅酒,還是尋找清新爽口的白酒,我們的葡萄酒系列將為您的每次品飲增添獨特風味。

  • special Offer - Drunken whisky wine & spirits shop

    Drunken Whisky special Offer

    歡迎光臨 Drunken Whisky 特惠專區,為您精選各種高品質威士忌的超值優惠!無論是經典單一麥芽、稀有限量版,還是迷你分享瓶,這裡總有一款適合您。立即搶購心儀佳釀,享受極致風味與前所未有的優惠價格。限時活動,機會不容錯過!


FAQ: How much does free shipping cost?

SF Express offers free shipping for purchases over 800 yuan. If you pick up one bottle at an SF store, shipping is free. GOGOX can deliver it to your door if you buy any 3 bottles.

FAQ: Do you have any stores in your area?

We have a store, store address: 2nd Floor, 42 Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mong Kok.
Business hours: 13:00-20:00

Monday to Saturday

FAQ: What is the best whiskey for beginners?

For newcomers eager to explore the world of whiskey, starting with these three can provide a pleasant introduction. Known for its rich fruit and sherry flavours, Macallan Sherry Oak is perfect for those who appreciate depth and complexity. Talisker 10 introduces the character of smoky whiskey with its unique peat-smoky flavor and hints of the ocean. Monkey Shoulder is a blend of three single malt whiskeys that is smooth and versatile, making it a great choice for whiskey cocktails. The selections offer a broad overview from sweet and rich to smoky and marine, catering to a variety of tastes.

FAQ: What is our wine packaging like?

We will use air column bags to wrap the wine bottles, and the boxes will be separated to ensure maximum protection.

FAQ: What should I do if the wine is damaged?

Please open and take photos of the goods as soon as possible after receiving the goods, and refuse to accept the goods. If you find out after receiving the goods, please contact us on WhatsApp: 62703891 as soon as possible, and we will handle and replace it appropriately.

FAQ: Why should I choose Drunkenwhisky to buy wine?

There are many reasons to choose Drunkenwhisky for your wine purchases, highlighting its unique position in the whiskey and other craft spirits market. First, Drunkenwhiskey offers a wide selection of wines, from classic brands to rare limited editions, to meet the needs of different customers. Secondly, Drunkenwhiskey's insistence on quality ensures that every bottle of wine comes from a reliable source, so that consumers can rest assured that they are purchasing authentic, untampered products.


It will be sent out in about 1-3 days, depending on the situation. In-stock items will be received in about 1 working day. For example, if you order on Monday, you will receive it on Wednesday. If you are not sure, please whatsapp: +852 62703891 to inquire